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Terms & Conditions of Use

Acceptance of Terms

The documentation below is legally required for a site like ours that reproduces content under the doctrine of Fair Use. Our intent is commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving, and scholarship. But if there is any content published on this site that you believe violates copyright law, please let us know. We will make every effort to respect copyright holders. Rights under the DMCA Reserved.

Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limitation

Your privacy is important to us. Please read the Microsoft Privacy Statement (the “Privacy Statement”) as it describes the types of data we collect from you and your devices, how we use that data, and the legal bases we have to process that data. The Privacy Statement also describes how Microsoft uses the Submissions (as defined herein), comments, ratings or reviews of the Services, communications, files, photos, documents, audio, digital works, livestreams, videos and any other content that you upload, store, broadcast or share through the Services, (collectively, “Your Content”). Where processing is based on consent and to the extent permitted by law, by agreeing to these Terms, you consent to Microsoft’s collection, use and disclosure of Your Content and data as described in the Privacy Statement. In some cases, we will provide separate notice and request your consent as referenced in the Privacy Statement.

Public user Information and Content: The user information you provide (including your username, display name, avatar image, biography, your job title and organization and your user achievements) may be viewed by others. You are only required to provide a username and display name in order to use the Tech Profile. All other fields are optional. You may update your username and display name at any time. Microsoft may also collect and publicly display the date that you registered with Tech Profile and your affiliation with Microsoft.

Any Content you post publicly may also be viewed by others. You may be able to delete certain types of Content after they have been posted, but not all types of Content can be deleted after they have been posted publicly.

Notice Specific to Software Available on this Website

The documentation below is legally required for a site like ours that reproduces content under the doctrine of Fair Use. Our intent is commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving, and scholarship. But if there is any content published on this site that you believe violates copyright law, please let us know. We will make every effort to respect copyright holders. Rights under the DMCA Reserved.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability for the Services

Your privacy is important to us. Please read the Microsoft Privacy Statement (the “Privacy Statement”) as it describes the types of data we collect from you and your devices, how we use that data, and the legal bases we have to process that data. The Privacy Statement also describes how Microsoft uses the Submissions (as defined herein), comments, ratings or reviews of the Services, communications, files, photos, documents, audio, digital works, livestreams, videos and any other content that you upload, store, broadcast or share through the Services, (collectively, “Your Content”). Where processing is based on consent and to the extent permitted by law, by agreeing to these Terms, you consent to Microsoft’s collection, use and disclosure of Your Content and data as described in the Privacy Statement. In some cases, we will provide separate notice and request your consent as referenced in the Privacy Statement.

Public user Information and Content: The user information you provide (including your username, display name, avatar image, biography, your job title and organization and your user achievements) may be viewed by others. You are only required to provide a username and display name in order to use the Tech Profile. All other fields are optional. You may update your username and display name at any time. Microsoft may also collect and publicly display the date that you registered with Tech Profile and your affiliation with Microsoft.

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